Lactation Consultation

  • Appointments includes one week of email/text support to clarify the plan made in person.

    In-home visits are subject to travel fees in London area.

    $150 | 60 mins in-clinic
    $200 | 60 mins in-home

    $150 | 30-60 mins in-clinic
    $200 | 30-60 mins in-home

    All fees are subject to HST as per Ontario law

    Lactation group classes, both antepartum and postpartum coming soon!

    As a Registered Midwife, I am finalizing the details for OHIP-funded consultations - stay tuned!


    Mercer enjoys professional memberships/affiliations with:


    Canadian Lactation Consultant Association

    La Leche League International

    Waterbirth International

    Waterbirth Coalition of Canada

Waterbirth Tub Rentals

  • $280 (includes HST)

    includes everything you need for a safe waterbirth, without the environmental impact of a disposable tub:

    - La Bassine Professional Birth Tub, arguably the best professional series birth tub, features: oval design to fit small spaces, white bottom, safety in estimating blood loss, inflatable bottom for comfort, big enough for two people, extra thick sides to aid in leaning over the side

    - Disposable liner - recyclable 1mm latex-free plastic; up to your preference to use - all tubs 100% cleaned, disinfected & sterilized

    - Air pump to fill tub - high quality pump fills tub in less than 3 min - we timed it!

    - Submersible water pump - to pump out the tub in record time after using

    - Brand new 25’ hose - for filling tub and using to empty, therefore yours to keep

    - Universal hose adapter

    - Disposable fish net to catch debris - normal! Every body poops in labour!

Meet mercer

Mercer Wilcock RM, IBCLC (she/her)

Mercer’s experience in the birth world is vast and spans provinces and international education. She enjoyed a private doula practice in Ontario for almost a decade after the birth of her first child before embarking in a global midwifery program with NARM/MEAC. Realizing the obstacles faced by internationally trained midwives in Canada, Mercer moved to British Columbia to attend UBC’s Faculty of Medicines’ midwifery program and had 4 more babies, all born at home with midwives on different Gulf Islands. After graduating with honours and moving back to Ontario, Mercer finalized her IBCLC requirements to set up a beautiful, private IBCLC home practice in old north, London Ontario. Having twelve years of personal lactational and infant feeding experience, consulting with countless midwifery and obstetrical clients, she is well versed to support whatever goals you have re: lactation and infant feeding. 

Mercer strongly believes in the standards outlined by The World Health Organization and UNICEF supporting infants’ health via human-milk feeding and physiologic birth and is very interested in the research supporting the benefits of water birth on the dyad and lactation experience. 

Waterbirth Tub Rentals are available for accessible, environmentally friendly and safe homebirth tub rentals for London and area clients

Mercer enjoys professional memberships/affiliations with:

Canadian Lactation Consultant Association
La Leche League International
Waterbirth International
Waterbirth Coalition of Canada